- undersigned
- aнижеподписавшийся- we the undersigned
English-russian dctionary of diplomacy. 2014.
English-russian dctionary of diplomacy. 2014.
undersigned — un·der·signed / ən dər ˌsīnd/ n pl undersigned: one whose name is signed at the end of a document the undersigned jointly and severally agree Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 … Law dictionary
undersigned — ► NOUN (the undersigned) formal ▪ the person or people who have signed the document in question … English terms dictionary
undersigned — [un′dər sīnd΄] adj. 1. signed at the end 2. whose name or names are signed at the end the undersigned the person whose name or persons whose names are signed at the end … English World dictionary
undersigned — [[t]ʌ̱ndə(r)sa͟ɪnd[/t]] ADJ: ADJ n On a legal document, the undersigned people are the ones who have signed their names at the bottom of the document. [LEGAL] The undersigned buyers agree to pay a 5,000 pound deposit. N PLURAL: the N The… … English dictionary
undersigned — adj. /un deuhr suynd , un deuhr suynd /; n. /un deuhr suynd /, adj. 1. being the one or ones whose signature appears at the end of a letter or document: All of the undersigned persons are bound by the contract. 2. signed at the bottom or end of,… … Universalium
undersigned — noun (plural undersigned) Date: 1643 one whose name is signed at the end of a document < the undersigned all agree > … New Collegiate Dictionary
undersigned — un|der|signed [ˈʌndəsaınd US ər ] adj formal the undersigned the person or people who have signed a document … Dictionary of contemporary English
undersigned — formal adjective appending one s signature to the document in question. noun (the undersigned) the signatory or co signatories to the document in question … English new terms dictionary
undersigned — adjective formal the undersigned the person or people who have signed a piece of writing, used especially in formal letters … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
undersigned — un•der•signed [[t]ˈʌn dərˌsaɪnd[/t]] adj. 1) being the one or ones whose signatures appear at the end of a letter or document 2) signed at the bottom or end, as a letter or document 3) the undersigned, the person or persons signing a letter or… … From formal English to slang
undersigned — /ˈʌndəsaɪnd / (say unduhsuynd) adjective 1. having signed, as a person, at the end of a letter or document. 2. signed, as a name. –noun 3. the undersigned, the person or persons undersigning a letter or document …